Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Homeward Bound...

So, I work with this cat named Phil. I call him Phillip, but that's beside the point. Today Phillip was in the middle of telling me how he was arrested for the first time when I began to drift off into his snaggletooth grin. And oh boy, was Phillip excited about revisiting his good ol' times, I could tell by the gleam in those beady little eyes. He was mumbling something about ordering something he shouldn't have through the cable...something...pornography...something...house he had been staying at, at the time...something...I dunno.

I thought wait, what?!...Cable!? But then my phone rang.

It was my good friend Matt. He was ecstatic for the upcoming 4th of July celebration and told me all about the festivities back home. 

I thought to myself...
yep, its about time I came home for a few days.

I couldn't help but look up at Phillip and feel ashamed for being distracted during his story. "Who cares about yellow teeth anyway!", I thought. Because there's nothing better then revisiting those good ol' times! Even it means you might lose your belligerent friend to a hippy in a van or knowing that throwing up means you've had a good night. No sir...there's nothing better.

you heard it.

I'll be home Thursday.

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